The prized swim will return in 2022!
When COVID ruined everything in sight, Lorne’s annual Pier to Pub swim wasn’t safe. After nearly 5,000 swimmers and 20,000 spectators witnessed the 2020 event, it was sadly held virtually for the first time in 40 years this year. But the 1.2km swim will be back in 2022 from Jan 7-8th, barring any 48th (corona) wave…
Entries will be open from November so stay tuned here. If you’ve never entered the swim, what better way to kick off #DO52 at the start of the year!? And if you really want to shed those festive kilos, why not enter the Mountain to Surf 8km run the day before the pier to pub swim?
Now this isn’t any special kind of pier to pub with our mention of a pint and parma. So don’t worry about having to neck a beer and smash a parma in a certain time slot the second you hit the shores. We just think you definitely deserve to reward yourself for completing the physical challenge once you set foot in the Lorne Hotel.